Outreach update

Republican Party of Brazos County has a new entity in our County—Outreach. This volunteer group is recruiting help for upcoming action items leading up to the 2014 Elections. One of our first group studies has to do with Social Media Class. We have a class scheduled to meet at the new Republican Headquarters on Briarcrest in Bryan. Everyone is invited to join us May 30 at 1:30 pm.
TAMU College Republicans Brad Head and Audrey Saltarelli will teach us
The class will be taught by Brad Head and Audrey Saltarelli, TAMU College Republicans. We appreciate that they are willing to take on teaching those of us who are computer challenged. We will discuss Facebook and Twitter. If you are attending, please bring a tablet, PC, or laptop; if you have one. However, please come to class even if you can’t.
We will learn how to help our Republican candidates as we employ the newly found art of Social Media.