Happy New Year! The 88th Legislative Session, perhaps the most important in Texas history, begins next week. We are at a crossroads with the survival of our State, our Nation, and our way of life at stake if we do not close our border, secure our elections, and protect children.
Thousands of illegal aliens pour over our borders daily, fueling sex trafficking and Fentanyl deaths. Harris County undermined confidence in our elections by recording more ballots than voters, and disenfranchised voters by failing to provide enough ballots to Republican voting locations. Meanwhile, the Texas Supreme Court this week allowed a mother to flee to California where she intends to begin the process of chemically castrating her son against the wishes of his father. We cannot allow this injustice to continue in our beloved Texas.
Our legislators must step up and be heroes. To encourage them in this effort, Republicans are planning to show up at the state Capitol next Thursday, January 12, 2022, when we anticipate the House will debate and pass rules. Our RPT priority, Ban Democrat Chairs, is a request for a rule change to prevent the Republican Speaker from appointing Democrats to House Committee chairmanships, where these Democrats will have the power to decide which bills are heard and voted upon.
Texas Republicans indicated loud and clear what they expect on this issue. In the March primary election, 81.24% of Republican primary voters (close to two million people) agreed that Republicans should not appoint Democrats to chair legislative committees. At the RPT state convention in June, this priority was ranked 5th most important of the top 8 Legislative priorities by thousands of convention delegates.
Republicans have held legislative majorities for 20 years and every statewide office for nearly 30. It is up to us to deliver on the campaign promises that got us there and fight for our principles as hard as Democrats fight for theirs when they are in the majority. We must insist on strong legislation that makes a noticeable improvement in the everyday lives of Texans. We cannot negotiate with a party that supports open borders, unverified voters, inaccurate voting machines, and destruction of the lives of our children. We need boldness—not compromise—in order to right the sinking ship.
Buses will be chartered to the capitol from all over the state, along with car caravans and individuals who wish to support our Republican legislature in doing what is right. If you want a ride on a bus and live in East Texas, please email Christina.Drewry@thetnm.org. In the Dallas area, contact MaryB@DallasGOP.org; in Collin county email Terrywade3@verizon.net. In the central hill country, Comal county, please email bsbcrinfo@gmail.com. For Wise county and Fort Worth, go to NTXconservatives.com and scroll down to “Bus Trips.” For Harris county bus info please email: fite4texas@yahoo.com. Your county Republican party office should have information on local groups going. So please contact them for more information.
We will fill the House gallery on January 12 to watch the rules debate and visit our Representatives’ offices to remind them of why we sent them to Austin. We will advocate for no Democrat chairs, secure borders, accurate elections, and protection of our youngest citizens.
Our next big effort at the State Capitol will be on Election Integrity. Please save the date for January 24, as there will be an event on securing our elections, and legislation needed for accuracy, transparency, and accountability.
Look forward to seeing you soon in Austin!
For God and Texas,

Jill Glover
Chair, SREC Legislative Priorities Committee
To receive future SREC Legislative Priority Updates directly in your mailbox each week, sign up here.

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