The 87th Legislative session has begun and we are starting to get an idea of how things will go. Yesterday, the House voted on their rules, and the heroes who emerged were Representatives Kyle Biedermann, Jeff Cason, Tony Tinderholt, and Bryan Slaton.
These Representatives asked for record votes, and Rep. Slaton proposed an amendment to our rules that would require them to take a floor vote abolishing abortion before taking up legislation naming any bridges and roads. Rep. Slayton also proposed that all committees be chaired by Republicans.
When that was voted down, he proposed that the committees that would advance our Legislative Priorities be chaired by Republicans. Keeping in mind we hold the majority in the House, this, too, was voted down.
Rep. Jeff Leach wins the award for Unstatesmanlike Conduct, heckling and ridiculing Rep. Slayton. Rep. Tinderholt had to ask the Speaker for decorum. We expect better than this from our elected Republican officials.
It is not too late to petition Speaker Phelan to assign Republicans to the critical committees. Please call or email his office and tell him that it is unacceptable to risk our priorities not getting a vote because a Chairman does not take up the bill, which is what will happen in any committee chaired by a Democrat.
The success of the Legislative session depends on your voice, so we must begin making ourselves heard. Here are two directories that contain contact information. This link also contains campaign contributors to each of the representatives and senators. Click on their name to access this information. Please find the numbers for your state representatives and senator here and add them to your contacts.
Please begin by calling or emailing the four representatives named above and thank them for their efforts yesterday. Then contact Speaker Phelan’s office regarding the committee chair assignments.
Finally, please begin calling and emailing your representatives and senators regarding our priorities. If they are Democrats, use the format below and refer to specific issues, rather than calling them the Legislative Priorities. For example, tell them you want them to abolish abortion. For Republicans, we suggest you use an email or phone script similar to this:
“Dear Texas Senator/Representative ___________,
Thank you for representing my district. Please tell me how you are supporting your Republican Party of Texas Eight Legislative Priorities? What bills have you filed, or will you co-author? Are you committed to getting them through the committee process and to the floor for a vote?
This legislation is especially important to me and I will be watching to make sure, by your voting record and accomplishments, that you are someone I will want to support in the next primary.
Your Name”
We suggest making contact asking for an updated status on the above information at least weekly. They must know we are watching closely, and will support them for passing our priorities and withdraw support if they fail us.
We have two additional resources:
· This weekly Legislative Priority report, which you can sign up to receive directly by email each week.
· Sign up for our Strategic Texas Activist Team (STAT), which will soon be sending specific information regarding priorities you may wish to support, such as when they get assigned to a committee and when a vote will be taken. This alerts you to critical times to contact your representatives.
When we all work together, as Texas Republicans, we can accomplish much. Thank you for standing for our principles, embodied in these Legislative Priorities, which will improve the lives of Texans and ensure freedoms and dignity to all.
For God and Texas,

Jill Glover
Chair, SREC Legislative Priorities Committee
To receive future SREC Legislative Priority Updates directly in your mailbox each week, sign up here.
The post Legislative Priorities Report 1.15.21 appeared first on Republican Party of Texas.