Legislative Priorities Report for 1.1.21
Who could have ever guessed, this time one year ago, that the words of Mel Gibson in Braveheart, as William Wallace, would come to epitomize 2020. But his question, “What will you do without freedom?” is before us as we face an election stolen in a brazen, breathtaking manner. The future of our country hangs in the balance, as we wait to see if enough will rise up and fight, and demand truth and righteousness. Or will we run, knowing we have squandered an opportunity, and plunge our country into a darkness from which we may never recover?
Last summer, when the delegates to the Republican Party of Texas State Convention chose Election Integrity as our number one Priority, the effects of elections ruined by fake ballots, illegal votes, and double counts were theoretical to most of us. Perhaps we had some suspicions of cheating in certain races, and even evidence in particular counties. Very few, however, had any comprehension of the fraud that has been discovered, on a scale that spans countries and multiple actors with various nefarious agendas. We had no idea that the most important race of all, that of President of our United States, could be stolen in the most blatant and hideous way possible, by our own citizens, as well as foreign agents.
So, here we are, with most of our elected officials — and even our highest court in the land, our Supreme Court — turning a blind eye, not wanting to commit themselves to looking deeply into the abyss of corruption. What will we do? As Americans, we are at the mercy of the actions of U.S. Congressmen and women. We have some Representatives who have publicly committed to challenging electoral votes. What will our Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz choose to do? Hopefully by now you have called their offices and let them know your wishes. If you are able, answer our President’s call and go to D.C. I will be there.
But, for the state of Texas, beyond this next week and into the coming Legislative Session, we must do more. We must get a bill passed that ensures our voter rolls are clean and that felony penalties for Election Code violations are enforced. This means that those tasked with carrying out our elections are following the law and will suffer consequences if they do not.
We do not have freedom if we do not have fair elections. Instead, we have an illusion of choice, that is, in reality, a fake freedom controlled by elites intent on destroying America. Instead of a Constitutional Republic, will have a banana republic.
And, so ends 2020.
For the first time in our lifetimes, we are literally contemplating life as we are accustomed, now changing rapidly, without our freedoms to work or move around without our faces shrouded. We question the validity of the thing that we have all enjoyed as citizens: our votes. We feel astonished, dismayed, and frankly, beaten down and hopeless as we see our leaders as men without chests. William Wallace was an ordinary, obscure man. He rightly observed that his freedoms were being taken away forcefully and systematically, and he made a decision. Like George Washington, our country’s founders, William B. Travis, and the brave men at the Alamo. They took a stand. We can make daily phone calls, send emails, and go en masse to our local elected officials’ offices and tell them they must ensure our elections are fair. We can tell them that if they do not do this we will make sure they will have a primary opponent and block walk our neighborhoods educating enough voters to send someone else.
The RPT has a new drop down menu tab, “#txlege,” on our website. Under it, you will find a sign-up form for the action alerts we will be sending out, so please sign up.
For this week, your marching orders are to support Election Integrity by making those U.S. Senator contacts, and if possible, join the convoy going to our nation’s capitol on Wednesday. Then, the following Saturday, Jan 9th, we rally in Austin at 2:00pm at our Capitol for our Legislative Priorities, and set our sights on Texas!
For Freedom in 2021,

Jill Glover
Chair, SREC Legislative Priorities Committee
To receive future SREC Legislative Priority Updates directly in your mailbox each week, sign up here.
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