” . . . A Republic, If You Can Keep It”
Happy New Year, and welcome to the first Monday Message of 2021!
Yes, another lesson in American history and civics, God knows we certainly need it. I challenge you parents to sit down with your children and discuss these issues, such as our Constitution, unless you are homeschooling and doing so already.
This coming week is a reminder of this quote which was a response by one of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, to a question posed to him by a Philadelphia socialite, Mrs. Powell. The story goes that on September 17, 1787, the day our Constitution was signed — it was later ratified in 1789 — Franklin was exiting Constitution Hall. He was met by Mrs. Franklin who asked him, “Well Dr., what is it that we have? A monarchy or a Republic?” The title of this week’s missive is Franklin’s response, and what an appropriate response as we head into this first week of January, 2021.
We have a new Congress, the 117th US Congress, that has been sworn in, but there are two seats in the US Senate that still need resolution. Both of those seats are in the state of my birth, the state that was one of the original 13 colonies, Georgia. The state of Georgia has been at the forefront of every major challenge to our nation. The Peach State was there during the Revolution. And, it was vital in the war that sought to separate our Union, the Civil War.
Now, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York has asserted, “first we take Georgia, then we change America.” Hey, Chuck, I grew up down South being taught the difference between a Yankee and a Damn Yankee. A Yankee comes down South to visit, a Damn Yankee stays. The problem in Georgia, and in many red states down South, is there are too many Damn Yankees, especially those who want to change America. We kinda have that issue here in Texas, as well.
A Republic is based upon two things: individual liberty and the rule of law . . . our Constitution. America is not a democracy. We do, indeed, elect our representatives by a democratic process. However, America is a Constitutional Republic, and even in the Constitution, it speaks of a Republican form of government. And, our beloved Lone Star State, whose admission to the Union as the 28th state we celebrated last week, began as the Republic of Texas on March 2, 1836.
If Chuck Schumer is allowed to “change America” — similarly Barack Obama spoke of “fundamentally transforming” America — we will no longer have the Republic that our Founders bequeathed to us back in 1787. This is why our first challenge to keeping this Republic is in Georgia, this Tuesday. All liberty-loving Americans need to encourage Georgians to make a stand.
Texans are very proud of the iconic response to the Mexican Calvary on October 2, 1835 “Come and Take It.”
Previously in one of our Monday messages, I shared the inextricable bond between Georgia and Texas. Well, guess what? American Col. John McIntosh sent a response to British Lt. Col Lewis V. Fuser’s demand to surrender Ft. Morris, Georgia on November 25, 1775: “We, sir, are fighting the battle of America — as to surrendering the fort, receive this laconic reply — Come and Take It.”
It just doesn’t get any better than being born in Georgia and living in Texas!
This is the measure of courage that we need from this new breed of Georgians this week, if we are to keep this Republic.
And, if we are to keep this Republic, then we need to abide by its rule of law, our Constitution. Critical to our foundation is our electoral process, and if that process is not fair and honest, no longer honored and trusted by Americans, we cannot keep this Republic. Therefore, Americans will be watching on January 6th — this Wednesday — for those who will stand in opposition and say to the deviants who seek to undermine our national election: “Come and Take It!”
There should not be a single member of the 117th US Congress who will not stand in opposition to the electors from Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, and Nevada. The evidence of voting system irregularities, unconstitutional actions, violations of election law, and lack of transparency in these aforementioned states is irrefutable. Sadly, we have courts, such as the highest in the land, who have failed in their Constitutional duties, to interpret law, and keep our Republic.
A hearty “Steadfast and Loyal” to all the American Patriots that are heading to Washington, DC to assemble on January 6th. That is the beauty of our Republic, the freedom of speech, expression, the right to free assembly, and the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Those are the rights enshrined in our Constitution, our Bill of Rights. That is what it means to keep a Republic.
In closing, remember, Texas started as its own Republic in 1836. In preparation for the upcoming 87th Texas Legislative session, the Republican Party of Texas will hold a rally at the State Capitol on January 9th at 2pm in Austin. The purpose will be to inform, educate, and activate Texans on our legislative priorities. The reason is that, regardless of what happens this week in Georgia and Washington, DC, Texas will lead. Texas will ensure that we keep this Republic.
“Hold Texas, Hold the Nation . . . Victory or Death!”
Steadfast and Loyal,

LTC Allen B. West (Ret.)
Republican Party of Texas
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