Dear friend,
Like most hardworking American families, I am disgusted and downright furious at the lawless way that the Obama Administration and its agents like Lois Lerner are treating the rule of law and the American taxpayer.
When the IRS and Lois Lerner announced that they had “lost” the emails covering the period of time when they were each were engaged in the political persecution of conservative organizations, I can tell you, that none any of my conservative House colleagues nor I believed a word the Administration had to say on the matter. Even though the president said that there was not a “smidgeon of wrong-doing” at the IRS, everyday Americans and all conservatives in the House of Representatives knew that the administration was not being honest with the American people.
In order to rectify this situation and bring justice, we need to know what Lois Lerner said, when she said it, and to whom she said it. We need those “lost” emails and we are committed to finding this evidence. To that end, my colleague, Rep. Louis Gohmert and I introduced legislation in Congress proposing a $1,000,000 reward for any individual or group who can recover Lois Lerner’s lost emails and a $500,000 reward for information regarding the destruction of the emails that can be used for prosecution of the individuals involved.
Let me be clear about one thing, this is not a political stunt. We want the truth and we know that Lois Lerner, the IRS and the Obama Administration are covering up the truth. If there is just one individual that worked in the Administration or at the IRS that has access to these emails, we are encouraging them to do the right thing and help us bring this Administration to justice for breaking the law. We also want justice for all of the bureaucrats who unlawfully targeted conservatives, those who unlawfully “leaked” sensitive tax returns to liberal groups, and those who tried to cover up these crimes!
Please forward this email to anyone you think might be willing to help us keep this fight alive to bring justice to the American people.
With Great Respect,

Bill Flores