Dear Fellow Texas Republican,
March seems to have flown by just as quickly as February – which reminds us that 2020 will be here in no time. Our major focus for the month of March was finishing the first quarter of 2019 well. Built new foundations and reinforced old ones in preparation for the 2020 election. We continued spreading our Red Alert Texas message and continued to test and set up new processes which will help us improve our ability to turnout Republicans next year. We’re eight months from 2020, but we’re already working at full speed.
I was fortunate to be able to attend several Reagan Day Dinners for county parties around the state. These events are key to the financial health of our county parties and a great opportunity for Republicans to come together. If you weren’t able to make it to a Reagan Day Dinner this year, be sure to keep an eye out and attend one next year!

Coryell County Reagan Day Dinner

Fort Bend County Reagan Day Dinner
While touring the state, I had the opportunity to spread our Red Alert Texas message to organizations who are interested in Republicans success. From Collin Strong, to the Texas Asian Republican Association we had insightful discussions about the future of our state and what must be done to win in 2020. While there is immeasurable work that must be done, I’m confident that donors and volunteers will continue to step up and help us elect Republicans who will lead the way toward a bright future for all.

Chairman James Dickey with Texas Federation of Republican Women members Grace Aguilar Handley and Kelly Aimone

Chairman James Dickey with Vice Chairman Alma Jackson and Dist. 17 SREC Member, Kathaleen Wall

Chairman James Dickey Speaking at the Collin Strong event in Collin County
The excitement of Republicans ahead of the 2020 election was clearly evident during a special event in Houston with Senator Ted Cruz. Multiple Congressman spoke at the celebration of Senator Cruz’ father Rafael’s 80th birthday. Some potential candidates were also present and excited about the chance to challenge incumbent Democrats. Everyone expressed their desire to take back lost ground and to earn new Republican seats!

Event in Houston with Senator Ted Cruz in honor of his father, Rafael’s 80th Birthday
The Republican National Hispanic Assembly and Bienvenido, a non-partisan organization which shares many Republican principles, also hosted a fantastic event in Houston. They highlighted the importance of the Hispanic community within the Conservative movement and featured a lot of individuals who had not previously been involved in politics! Congressman Dan Crenshaw spoke at the event about the many things our Republican elected officials are accomplishing in Washington.

Chairman James Dickey with some young, active members of Bienvenido!

Chairman James Dickey with Betty Cardenas and Carmen Crenshaw at the Bienvenido Event
In anticipation of a challenging 2020 election we have begun an early roll out of our systems to ensure they are effectively tested well in advance. We have rolled out the Advantage block walking system and are encouraging city council and school board candidates across the state who share our values to use the systems. Testing the systems and processes and training volunteers and staff now will ensure we are as prepared as possible for Victory in 2020!
We are already at work recruiting candidates to ensure every incumbent Democrat in Texas has a challenger. The Candidate Recruiting Task Force, led by Hamilton County Chair Cat Parks and her team of Regional Directors are ensuring potential candidates have exceptional training and support available. If you are interested in running or recommending a potential candidate, please complete the prospective candidate form.
Our voter registration effort is also in full swing – led by State Republican Executive Committee District 17 member, Kathaleen Wall. We are starting earlier to ensure we not only achieve our voter registration goals, but exceed them to put us in a place to win! If you or someone you know is not yet registered to vote, visit our website or text TXVOTE to 72000 so that we can help you get registered.
Legislative Update:
The Republican Party of Texas has advocated in support of bills in both the House and Senate that align with our Party Platform and five Legislative Priorities. Some of these topics include
- Pro-life,
- Property tax relief,
- Religious freedom,
- Election integrity,
- Ending frivolous lawsuits,
- The right to self defense,
- Welfare reform,
- Property annexation,
- Bond elections, and
- Special taxing districts
While these are only a few of the issues upon which we have voiced our support, there are numerous others which were laid out at Convention by the Grassroots as key issues. We will continue to work toward meaningful legislation which benefits all Texans.
I’ve had the opportunity to meet with many of our Legislators to discuss the challenges we face in 2020 and to encourage them to rack up as many wins for Texans as possible. Thank you to each and every Legislator who has taken the time to meet with me and to discuss what must be done ahead of 2020.
Chairman James Dickey testifying in front of the Senate State Affairs Committee
News Articles:
- 03/04/19
- 03/05/19
- 03/09/19
- 03/11/19
- 03/12/19
- 03/14/19
- 03/18/19
- 03/19/19
- 03/20/19
- 03/22/19
- 03/24/19
- 03/25/19
- 03/31/19
Press releases:
- McKinney ISD Spent $70 Million on New High School Stadium
- Dallas County Spending Millions of Taxpayer Dollars Carelessly
- La Joya ISD Spending Ignores Students, Builds Waterpark
- Property Taxes – The Texas-Sized Problem
- Republican Candidate for Texas House District 125 Fred Rangel Fought Good Fight, Rallied Republicans
- Socialist Beto O’Rourke Announces Run for President in 2020
- Chairman James Dickey on Joaquin Castro Possibly Entering the Texas Senate Race
- Beto O’Rourke Raised $6.1 Million in 24 Hours, More Than Socialist Bernie Sanders
- Kamala Harris says the buck stops with her, but we know mismanagement and liberal California policies START with her
- Democrats Silence Women Who Survived Abortion
- The Green New Deal Up for Vote in Senate Today at 3:00 PM CST
Coming Up:
This Friday, April 12th at 3:00pm CST marks the first of our weekly training, tutorial, and Q&A session covering the data-related tools, like Advantage and GOP Data Center, individuals can utilize.
This week we will be going over some of the basic features of Advantage. Some things that will be discussed are: What Advantage can be used for, how to get access, logging in, creating other users/volunteers, cutting and assigning walk books, utilizing the walk app, and any other questions that come up.
Training will start promptly at 3:00pm CST. Be sure to join the meeting a few minutes early to ensure you can join (some downloading of the Zoom application is required)
What: Advantage Training and Q&A
When: Friday, April 12th 2019 at 3:00pm CST
If you want to be in the loop on news about your Texas Republican Party and elected officials, text TXNEWS to 72000 now!

James Dickey
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas
P.S. If you received this monthly update email as a forward, be sure to sign up here to receive your own!
P.P.S. Join the Grassroots Club today to help us on the road to 2020 so we can protect Texas’ 38 electoral votes and win the White House again!
The post Update from Chairman Dickey, March 2019 appeared first on Republican Party of Texas.