Austin, TX, Release: January 13, 2021. For Immediate Release
The Texas GOP is appalled at the attempt of Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats to impeach President Trump. It is a frivolous and cruel gesture that will only work to exacerbate division in the country. Below is Chairman Allen West’s statement on the situation:
“The second attempt to impeach President Trump shows that Democrats would rather play vindictive politics instead of engaging in the business of the American people. Vilifying their opponents as neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and Uncle Toms will only deepen mistrust and division in this country. Another additional frivolous impeachment will only magnify this problem. The hypocrisy of this second impeachment of President Trump is absurd and dangerous. There is no evidence of a ‘high crime and misdemeanor.’ I do not recall any calls to impeach President Obama when he abandoned Americans in Benghazi, resulting in four losing their lives, and subsequently lied about it. Nor was there any impeachment of President Obama for providing material support and comfort by way of billions of dollars to the number one sponsor of Islamic terrorism, Iran, who still maintains a Twitter account.
Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Big Tech have crossed their Rubicon and will no doubt continue to marginalize Americans who have serious concerns about election integrity, unconstitutional lockdowns, and their economic prospects. As Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, I rise to speak against the impeachment proceedings going forth in our nation’s capital this day.”
The entire Texas GOP stands behind Chairman West on this. We are disgusted by congressional Democrats’ behavior. Placing politics ahead of their responsibility to the American people and common decency, shows how low they have fallen.
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