Austin, TX, Release: February 17, 2021 For Immediate Release
The Texas GOP mourns the passing of radio legend, Rush Limbaugh. For decades he was the voice of conservatism for tens of millions of Americans every day. His humor, charm, and intellect made him one of the leaders of American conservatism and beloved by patriots across the country.
Below is Chairman West’s statement on Rush Limbaugh’s death:
“It’s with a sad and heavy heart that I offer condolences on the passing of Rush Limbaugh. The greatness of America is that 60 years ago I was born in a Blacks-only hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. However, at the age of 50, I was Rush Limbaugh’s congressional representative. My wife Angela and I had several occasions to have dinner with El Rushbo and garner his wisdom and insight. No one can replace the man behind the golden microphone. But we can all strive to love America and its constitutional principles as Rush Limbaugh did . . .
Farewell, sir, we will continue your mission to preserve the greatest nation the world has ever known.”
The entire Texas GOP sends our thoughts and prayers to all of Rush’s friends and family members. His voice and life will never be forgotten, and he will be greatly missed.
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