Austin, TX, Release: May 30, 2021 For Immediate Release
With open primaries in the state of Texas, HB 1987 would allow Democrats to select leadership of the Republican Party of Texas. The Texas GOP should maintain the right and ability to select its own leadership and not have the grassroots undermined by Democrats.
Below is a statement from our Chief Operating Officer, Brandon Moore:
“The Conference Committee Report of HB 1987, if passed, would apply only to the Republican Party for decades. Whether you support the idea of Party leadership being elected on the primary ballot, by Executive Committee, by convention, or other means, to have a law that would apply state-mandated requirements over Party leadership to one political party only, is unconscionable. I will not ascribe intent to any of the State Representatives or State Senators who have worked on this bill regarding this matter. It could have been a simple oversight, but they need to know this is not acceptable. Please call or email your State Representative or State Senator today and urge them to vote against this bill. Tomorrow is the last day of session, so your immediate action is needed.”
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