Rule 1(f)

Chairman Easton,

Thank you for your email. RPT Rule 1f provides the Republican State Chair the authority to clarify rules where ambiguity exists subject to final clarification by the SREC. I read your question as “Do members need be present during a vote to demand in writing a roll call vote be taken on a subject?”

I do find there there to be ambiguity in the rule. I therefore clarify under RPT Rule 1f that a member does not need to be in attendance for a vote in order to demand in writing that a roll call vote be taken on a vote(s).

With that said, I further clarify that a member need not be present at the meeting where the vote is to take pace. 

Please be aware that the intent of RPT Rule 7 is to safeguard against a presiding officer inaccurately determining the outcome of a motion for a roll call vote that is otherwise decided by division. The intent is not to allow a small, but sufficiently large minority to tax the body.  The clarification here and the lack of clarification in response to your November email keep that intent in mind when reviewing the language adopted by the 2018 State Convention.

Best Regards,

James Dickey

Republican Party of Texas State Chairman

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