Resolution Opposing Casino Gambling in Texas

WHEREAS, Texas Republican legislators have introduced legislation that seeks to change our Texas Constitution to allow for casino gambling in Texas; and

WHEREAS, the gambling bills now mask the negative connotations of casino gambling by referring to casinos euphemistically as “destination resorts”1 with “fabulous hotels, restaurants, showrooms, and retail” to attract families2; and

WHEREAS, the usual arguments for opening the state to gambling continue to be, “this will create jobs” and “create revenue” to fund schools and provide tax relief; and

WHEREAS, these reasons fail to overcome the substantial economic and social costs to individuals, families, and communities, including mental health costs, crime costs, business and employment costs, family breakdown, bankruptcy, suicide, and direct regulatory costs; and

WHEREAS, the State of Texas has a $33 billion budget surplus; and

WHEREAS, the proposed legislation to establish the gambling industry in Texas would violate the free market principles of the Republican Party of Texas by awarding a limited number of licenses to resort casinos who have lobbied and generously contributed to the campaigns of Texas legislators while instituting a politically protected industry; and

WHEREAS, once the gambling industry is allowed to operate legally in the state, its lobbying power will grow and its influence over legislators and local community officials will increase; and

WHEREAS, Plank 79 of the 2022 Republican Party of Texas Platform states that “We oppose any expansion of gambling, including legalized casino gambling. We oppose and call for a veto of any budget that relies on expansion of legalized gambling as a method of finance”; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas calls on all Republican Texas Legislators to cease and desist with any efforts to open the State of Texas to casino gambling; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be distributed to each Republican member of the Texas Legislature, to the Governor, and to the Lieutenant Governor.


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