Resolution on Financial Support for Candidates Who Support the Right-To-Life Planks

WHEREAS, Plank 332 of the 2018 Republican Party of Texas Platform states that “the Republican Party of Texas should provide financial support only to those candidates who support the right-to-life planks”; and

WHEREAS, Texas Republicans overwhelmingly agree with the Republican Party of Texas Platform Principle #2 that “the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, should be protected from fertilization to natural death,” and expect our candidates to do the same; and

WHEREAS, candidates anticipating party support should also be in substantial agreement with the ultimate goal, highlighted as a Legislative Priority by the 2018 Republican Party of Texas Convention, that abortion should be ended in Texas; now

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, among non-judicial candidates, only those candidates who publicly affirm their commitment to advancing a culture of life in Texas by supporting legislation to protect human life, including that of preborn children and those deemed vulnerable, and whose official actions are consistent with such public affirmation, shall be eligible to receive Party funds.

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