Austin, TX, Release: June 24, 2022 — For Immediate Release
During the 2022 Texas GOP State Convention the Republican Party of Texas partnered with co/efficient, a research and analytics company with over 30 years of experience in political, nonprofit, and corporate campaigns, to conduct a straw poll of the Delegates discussing pressing issues and future elections. Delegates were invited to participate via their mobile device for a 24-hour period, beginning Thursday, June 16th.
2024 PRESIDENTIAL RACE: In a question with former President Donald Trump as an option, Trump gathered 54% of delegates, with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis second at 30%. Texas Senator Ted Cruz came in third with 4%.
When former President Trump is excluded as an option, Governor DeSantis is the first choice for 71% of GOP delegates, with Senator Cruz second at 9%, followed by Senator Rand Paul and former Governor Nikki Haley both at 3%.
- 62% of the delegates oppose raising the age to purchase firearms to 21.
- 97% oppose early elementary school students being taught about academic areas like Critical Race Theory.
- 90% support an immigration moratorium until our Southern Border has been secured
- 99% believe that biological men who identify as women should not be allowed to participate in organized women’s sports.
- 96% oppose efforts to replace fossil fuels with policies outlined in the “Green New Deal”.
- On the topic of taxes, 70% of the delegates support abolishing property taxes in Texas while 11% oppose this and 19% are undecided. 49% of delegates support replacing the property tax with a statewide sales tax to replace lost state revenue, 26% oppose a statewide sales tax and 25% are undecided.
You can view the full results here.
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