Austin, TX, Release: June 24, 2022 — For Immediate Release
The United States Supreme Court issued their final opinion today in Dobbs v. Jackson, which reversed Roe v Wade and Casey v Planned Parenthood and will allow the voters of each state to decide whether to give legal protection to their unborn children. The Texas Legislature has already passed HB1280, commonly known as the trigger bill, which will outlaw all abortion in Texas in 30 days.
Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi said, “Today is a historic day which Republicans and Pro-Life advocates have waited for a generation. It will be remembered in history as the day the United States of America reversed one of the most unjust, damaging and plainly incorrect judicial decisions in it’s history. Thankfully, the left’s egregious attack on our government institutions failed, and justice was done. We also are grateful for the work of Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, Sen. Angela Paxton, and the Republican and Democrat legislators who passed the law which will now protect the lives of all unborn children in Texas.
“The Republican Party of Texas continues to support facilitating adoptions and providing assistance to mothers in need both during and after their pregnancies. During the 87th Texas Legislature funding was greatly increased for the Alternatives to Abortion program, which received a total of $100 million for the biennium. This program gives mothers access to needed resources during and after their pregnancy. The program assists new mothers and their children by providing items like diapers, formula, car seats, and classes on pregnancy and parenting. Additionally, private nonprofit crisis pregnancy centers like Birth Choice in Dallas, the Trotter House in Austin, and Houston Pregnancy Help Center in Houston provide services to assist mothers both during and after pregnancy.”
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