Legislative Priority Report 3.26.2021
This week has been successful in several ways for our Legislative Priorities, although we have a way to go before they get to the Governor’s desk.
We have had one Abolish Abortion bill passed out of committee, in the Senate, SB 9.
We have had hearings on others in the House: Election Integrity, Religious Freedom, Constitutional Carry, and Banning Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying.
So far, it appears our elected officials are hearing from the Republican voters who put them in office and are responding. That is very positive, and we really appreciate the good bills that have been filed. Many of our representatives are working these bills and co-authoring them.
Our bills to ban Child Gender Modification are picking up support and many representatives and senators are recognizing how critical it is to get something done this session to protect children from medical child abuse. However, it is concerning that none have been scheduled for a hearing yet. They have been assigned to the House Public Health Committee. Please contact Chairman Klick and ask for a hearing and a vote. We also need to have the Senate bills scheduled for hearing.
Our Monuments bills have been assigned mostly to the Culture, Recreation, and Tourism Committee, but have not been scheduled for hearings. The Chair of that committee is Representative Ken King. Please contact Chairman King and ask for a hearing and a vote.
This week, we need to continue the emails, phone calls, and cards to our elected representatives. Now is not the time to let up on communicating with their offices. It is very easy for bills to die in the long process between filing and the Governor’s desk. We must keep the momentum going.
This week, for those priority bills that have not had a hearing, please contact that committee chair and ask for a hearing and a vote. If it has had a hearing, but not a vote, we must urge that committee chair to bring it up for a vote. If it has passed through committee, then, in the House it goes to the Calendars Committee which is responsible for scheduling bills for a vote on the floor.
Action items for the week:
1. Contact the Senate committee chairs and and ask for hearings and votes, and the remaining priority House committee chairs.
2. Contact the Calendars Chair, Rep. Dustin Burrows, and urge him to schedule Legislative Priority bills as soon as they come out of committee.
3. Contact the Lt. Governor and Speaker of the House and urge them to get our Legislative Priorities passed.
Remember that contact information for all of the above can be found in our digital Legislative Priorities guide. We have many resources on the RPT website, including the sign-up for this report and our STAT email, which gives specific information on bills filed for each priority. We also have a list of all the bills we are supporting for each priority and the committees to which they are assigned so you can contact those committee members.
This week, please share this information with five other people who care about our state and our country. Urge them by telling them that when we all work together, it is possible to change the trajectory of our nation. Remind them that the government belongs to the citizens, and it is up to us to restore liberty, honesty, the rule of law, and the things that make our nation a symbol of freedom and opportunity for all.
For God and Texas,

Jill Glover
Chair, SREC Legislative Priorities Committee
To receive future SREC Legislative Priority Updates directly in your mailbox each week, sign up here.
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