Stepping Down to Step Up
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
There was a very wise person who once said there are two most important days in your life. The first is the day you are born. The second is the day you find out why. As some of you may know, the first day for me is February 7, 1961.
The second day came as a young Airborne Lieutenant in the 325th Airborne Battalion Combat Team in 1985 during a combat training in the cities, a winter rotation to Berlin. As the two-week training rotation came to an end, we were allowed to travel through Checkpoint Charlie to see East Berlin. I think that if more of these delusional progressive socialist leftists had the opportunity to spend a day behind the wall of tyranny, they would think differently.
It was that day back in January of 1985, that I knew the “why” to my life. It was to stand upon freedom’s rampart and be a guardian of the Republic. My calling was to protect the individual rights and liberties that we possess in the free world, in our Constitutional Republic, and for those with whom we were allied. To see, now, the very same philosophy of governance, the destructive ideology that is the antithesis of our America, be fully embraced in our nation gives me a renewed cause. I am not distressed. I am greatly convicted, and committed, to secure our victory over the evil and immorality of progressive socialism, fascism, leftism, and the new Marxism in America.
It could have been very easy to sit on the sidelines and believe that others would take up the cause, but that is not how I am wired. If you recall, I did a Monday Message a few weeks back that was titled, “Move to the Sound of the Guns.”
I came back to Texas in 2014 with no intention of ever reentering the despicable cesspool called politics. As I wrote, the thing we call politics in America has become the playground of the incompetent and the ignorant. There are so many who are focused on their own self-interest, and special interests, that they have dismissed the principled interest of their constituents. The manipulative liars and deceivers abound, sadly, and they are consistently rewarded with electoral patronage because oftentimes voters believe there are no other options or recourse.
In 2018, what I witnessed happening in Texas gave me great concern, and was the impetus behind writing the book, “Hold Texas, Hold the Nation: Victory or Death.” My concerns came to fruition when in that midterm election, the Republican Party of Texas lost 12 State house seats, 2 State senate seats, 2 US congressional seats, and some 56 judicial seats. And, Texas came within 2.4 percent of having a deranged progressive socialist as its senator, something we saw happen in my native Georgia two years later.
After prayer and discussion with my family, I decided to run for the position of Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas in order to defeat the advance of leftism in the Lone Star State. It was disconcerting to me to hear about “turning Texas blue,” and I was committed to making sure that did not happen.
And, so it was in November 2020, facing the onslaught of hundreds of millions of dollars of the left, we held Texas. The Democrat socialists had no electoral gains, we turned the Rio Grande Valley and ensured we had strong legislative majorities in our Texas legislature. Additionally, we secured our Texas congressional districts which the left had targeted.
In the recent municipal election cycle, we experienced great success in having conservatives win city council seats, including the young 19-year-old, Roman Garcia, in Kerrville, Texas. For the first time in nearly 35 years, we have a Republican mayor in the Rio Grande Valley. And, we had tremendous victories with school board races, highlighted by the nationally watched races in Southlake, Texas.
However, we also endured a very disappointing Texas 87th legislative session. So disappointing that a special session has been called for.
Yet, just as it was for Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain at Little Round Top on Day Two of the Battle of Gettysburg, the enemy keeps charging the hill. The 2022 election cycle will be critical to the future of America, and Texas is on the frontlines. In the face of a deliberate open borders policy intended to destabilize our Texas, in a redistricting year that has the Lone Star State expanding to 38 congressional districts, we must defend the Texas Republic.
Therefore, after great prayer and deliberation, the decision was made to step down from the position of Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas in order to evaluate how I might step up to better accomplish this goal of defending our Texas Republic. Make no mistake, the battle for the soul of America is right here in the Lone Star State, we all know that as fact. Sadly, there are those political elites, on both sides of the aisle, who do not wish to have a strong Christian constitutional conservative in a leadership role in Texas. And, yes, they will do anything in order to safeguard and protect their status quo, their control, their power. That is not what we need in Texas, or anywhere in America.
This will be my final Chairman’s Monday Message via the Texas GOP. It has been a distinct honor to serve for this past year as Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. Regardless of the insidious assertions of detractors, we have experienced immense success. I am proud of the accomplishments of our talented staff, and grassroots advocates.
I must now return to the arena, the battlefield, and I live my life according to the two scriptures that I shared at the beginning of this missive. I also firmly believe in Isaiah 54:17, which is why I can be fearless and choose “faith over fear.”
Just know that I pledge my life and my sacred honor to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America in every endeavor, as long as I have the breath of life within me. As well, my raison d’etre is to serve God, Country, and Texas. It’s “game on” time for the ol’ Colonel, and as another young Col. wrote, there will be no surrender and no retreat.
Thank you all for your support and kind words along the way during my tenure. It is for you that I have fought, and will continue to fight, as long as I may live.
Steadfast and Loyal,

LTC Allen B. West (Ret.)
Republican Party of Texas
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