Austin, TX, Release: May 2, 2021 For Immediate Release
Lamar County Texas Democrat Chair Gary O’Connor’s use of the slur “Oreo” reveals just how little the Democrat Party thinks of the Black community. If African Americans are not marching in lock step with the progressive agenda, Democrats don’t consider them to be Black anymore.
Below is Chairman West’s statement on Chair O’Connor’s slur.
“It appears that Lamar County Texas Democrat Chairman Gary O’Connor took to social media and disparaged Sen. Tim Scott by calling him a racist slur “Oreo.” Not surprisingly, the Party of systemic racism has defended him, and he is yet to resign. It’s time to use one of Saul Alinsky’s tactics, ridicule, against the Texas Democrat Party. Let’s all mail or personally deliver a package of Oreos to the Texas Democrat Party headquarters until their racist Chairman from Lamar County, Gary O’Connor resigns. I will be doing so as I find O’Connor’s remarks, and his defense, utterly offensive and disgusting. Then again, what should we expect from the Party who founded the Ku Klux Klan and Jim Crow?”
We hope Republicans across Texas will join us in mailing Oreos to the Texas Democrat HQ. Let’s take a stand against racism and hold Chair O’Connor accountable.
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