Austin, TX, Release: April 8, 2021 For Immediate Release
The Texas GOP is opposed to both SB 6 and HB 3659, because they fail to adequately fortify the rule of law. We cannot allow executive and bureaucratic overreach to trample the rights of individuals, businesses and other community organizations.
Below is Chairman West’s commentary on the legislation:
“It is imperative that we protect our private sector businesses from frivolous lawsuits. But, last year’s COVID experience also teaches us that we must protect our businesses from unconstitutional executive overreach by way of edicts, mandates, decrees, and orders.
Texas Senate Bill 6 and House Bill 3659 nobly endeavor to protect businesses during a pandemic, but only at the expense of surrendering essential liberties to government edicts and orders in their business operations.
In Texas, individuals — and businesses — are to be governed by the rule of law, not by the whims and orders of an executive. SB 6 and HB 3659 do not support that premise of freedom.”
America has always been a Constitutional Republic, and it is our duty to keep it that way by opposing dictatorial edicts and executive fiat.
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