Body Armor & M855 Ammo Ban: Voice your opinion or lose your freedom!

Bill to Ban Body Armor & BATFE to Ban M855/SS109 5.56 Ammo

We implore you to take the time and voice your opinion or lose your freedom! Two serious issues are upon us, neither of which endorses your ability to defend yourself – both of which are potential footholds for further restrictions.
We’ve included easy to use tools to quickly and effectively voice your opinion, and read details on each proposed ban.
*H.R. 378 – Bill to Ban Body Armor*
(Bill to ban “enhanced” body armor from law abiding citizens. As currently written, anyone who already owns body armor will be grandfathered in)
*BATFE 5.56 M855/SS109 Ammo Ban*
 Contact BATFE:
  Proposed Ban:
(Proposal to ban common 5.56 M855/SS109 ammo, which could lead to further restrictions!)
More tools for voicing your opinion!
Find your local Representative:
Find Your Senator:
If you do not take the time to contact your representatives and voice your opinion directly, you will lose your freedom to defend yourself!
*Share with everyone you know to help get the word out*

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