This is what happens when the leftist mob rules. They threaten, intimidate, coerce, and enact violence in order to attain their goals. They do not want any political opposition, diverse thoughts, perspectives, or insights.
One of the biggest difference between our two major political parties is that Democrats deface, defund, and denigrate. Republicans discuss the substantive.
This is the reason why the Chairman of the Texas Democrat Party refused to conduct an open Lincoln-Douglas debate with me. Instead, like the cowards that they are, they will lurk about at night and take actions such as the one depicted above.
Republicans do not need to take actions such as this because our strength is in our principles, ideals, and truth. However, let me warn the progressive socialists about one very simple truth. This is Texas, and the leftist “dog don’t hunt” in Texas. As for the Texas GOP, well, “we are the storm.” Defacing our banners will not prevent the electoral woodshed that is coming for y’all!
The post Chairman West: Democrats Deface, Republicans Discuss appeared first on Republican Party of Texas.